Thursday, March 13, 2014

Popular peaks: Nepal is considering leasing some of its 326 open mountainsides to private companies
Popular peaks: Nepal is considering leasing some of its 326 open mountainsides to private companies

              Nepal's most famous Himalayan peaks could soon be leased out to private companies to sell holidays to tourists, in a bid to cut down on the numbers attempting to conquer Everest.
The controversial new tactic would involve the Nepalese government hiring out some of the country's 326 pristine mountainsides to private companies who would then sell them as new tourist products.
The move aims to capitalise on Nepal's biggest tourist draws, while also combating overcrowding problems on Everest.
Mohan Krishna Sapkota, spokesman for the tourism ministry, said: 'We have begun discussion on leasing unclimbed peaks to the private sector, to promote these mountains as new tourism products.
Pastures new: Private companies will be able to offer exclusive trips to new mountainsides in a bit to boost tourism
Pastures new: Private companies will be able to offer exclusive trips to new mountainsides in a bit to boost tourism
'We are open to both Nepalese and foreign private companies... we are confident that if the plan goes ahead, it will generate revenues for Nepal.'

The country is also considering lowering mountaineering fees to attract more trekkers to the region.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world and relies on tourism for foreign revenue.
The government has not confirmed when it would implement the proposal, as the finance and tourism ministries are still discussing the number of peaks that could be included and the length of leases.
The proposal would need to get the green light from the Cabinet before it is implemented.

The Nepal Mountaineering Association, which represents tourism promoters, has welcomed the proposal, saying it is a 'very good step'.
NMA president  Ang Tshering Sherpa said: 'The private sectors can sell tourism products better in comparison to the government sector. Private sector professionals have good networks worldwide.'
Clear-up: Trekkers hoping to conquer Everest will have to descend with rubbish under new rules
Clear-up: Trekkers hoping to conquer Everest will have to descend with rubbish under new rules
Decades of mountaineering has taken its toll on Everest which is strewn with rubbish from past expeditions, including oxygen cylinders, human waste and even climbers' bodies, which do not decompose in the extreme cold.

Last month Nepal slashed fees for individual climbers on the famed mountain and other Himalayan peaks to attract more mountaineers, sparking concerns of increased traffic and more rubbish.
Everest, scaled for the first time by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, is a key revenue-earner for the country, with hundreds heading there every year during the peak climbing season in April and May.
Under the new rules Everest expeditions will have to take their trash to an office which will be set up next month at base camp.
Last year, more than 500 climbers reached the summit of Everest and there were lengthy delays as 150 people ascended the final 915 metres within hours of each other on May 19.

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